
This is an online portfolio of my work throughout my college course: Production Arts Theater and Media Make-up, which will contain assignments, experimental and work experience photos.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Assignment- make up!

Gaaaah safe to say Iam NERVOUS haha :(! Tomorrow is the start of the practical assignment and I'm doing witch makeup from Macbeth for my first character, if it turns out good il make sure to post a picture!  My first attempt went quite well I think but hopefully the over all look will be effective, we all have to present 3 characters overall and everyone is just practicing loads! Just want to wish everyone good luck for tomorrow :)


  1. That looks so cool! Well done! Hope it went well with all the looks! x S.

  2. Thanks! I haven't used my blog in forever so I've only just seen this:( but it went great, i'll be putting pictures up later :) x
